Complete Ski and Snowboarding Workout Plan - Strength and Agility

Printable Routine Below

This comprehensive Ski and Snowboarding Workout program is designed to increase strength, speed, coordination, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and flexibility in the muscle groups that are most used in these physically demanding winter sports.

Focusing on doing these exercises 2-4 times a week prior to and during ski and snowboard season will help to reduce fatigue and chance of injury when on the mountain.

This program includes:
• Strength Training Exercises for Snowboarding and Skiing (below)
Snowboarding and Skiing Stretching Routine
Ski and Snowboarding Cardiovascular Training Program

Agility, Balance, and Strength Training Exercises Snowboarding and Skiing

Day 1

Dumbbell Fly on PhysioBall (Single Handed)

What it does: Builds chest muscles at the same time as training core stability to better connect upper and lower body motion.
Description: Start with ball between shoulder blades, dumbbell above shoulder, palms facing in towards each other with a slight bend in elbow. Slowly lower weights out to chest level without changing angle in elbow. Slowly lower both hands to chest level, then slowly raise back to starting position. Advanced: Pull left hand back up to starting position and down again without moving right arm. Repeat motion with Right arm without moving left arm.

Tricep Bench Dips on physioball
What it does: Builds wrist strength, triceps, and chest to help with polling for skiers and getting back up from the ground for snowboarders.
Description: Start sitting on a bench with hands shoulder width apart resting on bench edge, fingers pointing toward feet, and extend legs fully with heels on the ground. Slide hips off bench and slowly lower torso, supporting weight with hands and feet, until elbows are at 90° then push torso back up using hands. Advanced: Set both feet on the top of the physioball, heels on the middle of the ball. Repeat motion of lowering the torso while balancing legs on ball.

Bent-over Rear Deltoid Raises (Single Foot)
What it does: Builds rear deltoid for stronger poling for skiers and helps snowboarders get back up from seated position. The advanced version of this ski and snowboarding exercise builds ankle stability and balance.
Description: Standing with feet together, bend over with back straight, as close to parallel to ground as is comfortable. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in toward each other, and keep arm straight while lifting hand back behind torso as far as is comfortable. Advanced: Stand on one foot; bend over and repeat motion through arm. Switch feet halfway through repetitions.

Standing Bodyblade, Chest and Back
What it does: Builds control and tones through chest and upper back as well as micro control through the core. The advanced version, standing on balance pad, makes control more difficult and challenges balance as well.
Description: Standing with Bodyblade in left hand, and arm fully extended shoulder height and to maximum range through shoulder on right side, pulse the Bodyblade in short choppy rhythmic motions while slowly moving to maximum range of motion to left of shoulder and back again. Repeat on right side. Advanced: Repeat motion standing with both feet on a balance pad. Bodyblade may be replaced with a dumbbell.


Russian Twists
What it does:Builds control and coordination through abdominals, obliques, and lower back for improved core stability.
Description: Sit on a mat with feet on the ground, knees bent at a 90° angle. Lean back to a 45° angle with a straight torso and then twist to the left to full range of motion, tilting right shoulder down toward hips while contracting abdominals and obliques as tightly as possible. Immediately repeat motion leaning towards the opposite side.

Balancing Ball Drill
What it does: Builds balance by increasing control over small corrective motions through the core, glutes, hip flexors, and quadriceps.
Description: With hands on the floor, place shins about shoulder width on a physioball. Place all of your weight onto your shins and slowly lift hands off the floor one at a time until balancing on top of the physioball on shins only (best done on a matted area.)

Medicine Ball Squatting Twists
What it does: Builds strength through transverse obliques and endurance through quadriceps.
Description: Holding a medicine ball at arms length and shoulder height, squat down to half of your full squat position and hold. Slowly start twisting torso around, keeping hips facing forward. Start speeding up the motion until it becomes difficult to keep hips stationary but you are still able to maintain control of the movement.

Ball Cross-over Crunches
What it does: Builds abdominal and hip flexor strength for core stability.
Description: Laying flat on ground with legs extended and physioball between feet, tilt hips in to flatten back to ground. Start by picking feet up, keeping legs straight, until over hips; then pull arms up and crunch up to grab the ball. With ball now in hands, lower hands and feet back down to just a couple inches off ground and repeat motion, placing the ball back between your feet.

Ball Oblique Crunches
What it does: Builds lateral oblique strength and builds stability through core and legs.
Description: Start with left hip against a wall, kneeling on right knee with left food on ground directly underneath left knee and against wall. With right toe also touching the wall bring physioball ball just behind right hip. Lean to right onto ball, then push feet directly against the wall. From this position, drop right shoulder down towards ground and then use left oblique to pull the left shoulder down toward left hip.

Day 2

Single Leg Squats

What it does: Builds strength and control through glutes, and quadriceps. Builds stabilizing muscles for the ankle.
Description: Standing on left leg, hold right leg forward just above ground. Slowly squat, keeping weight in the heel, squatting as low as can be controlled.

Agility Dots
What it does: Builds control in hip and ankle while building lateral strength in knee. Also increases endurance for skiing and snowboarding throughout leg muscles.
Description: With a dot at the point of a one foot by one foot square, start with both feet at the bottom left corner. Jump diagonally to the top right corner, then across to top left, then back diagonally to bottom right, then back across to bottom left. Repeat until all repetitions are complete then reverse direction. Advanced: do same motion but start with left foot only, then repeat on right.

Isolation Squat Jumps
What it does: Builds strength through glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings, especially for shock absorption and maximum extension strength and speed.
Description: Starting in a full squat (feet together for skiers and apart for snowboarders), extend as quickly as possible to ¼ from full compression then quickly stop. Lower back to full squat then quickly push to ½ squat and stop, slowly drop back to full squat and quickly push to ¾ from full compression; quickly stop and slowly drop to full squat. Last time; push up and jump up as hard and quickly as possible. Slowly return to full squat and repeat.

Calf Raises
What it does: Builds calf strength and endurance for ankle strength and control (especially helpful for snowboarders to keep a toe edge).
Description: With left leg, stand with edge of step under the arch of the foot and heel hanging off step. Let heel stretch down as far as is comfortable, then push up onto toe as high as possible. After done with repetitions switch feet.

Toe Raises
What it does: Builds shin strength and endurance for ankle strength and control; helpful exercise for snowboarders to keep a heel edge.
Description: Stand with both feet on a step with edge of step under arch of foot and toes hanging off the edge. With hips directly over feet, let toes stretch down to ground but not touch, then lift toe as high as possible without rocking hips back; pushing heel into step.

Static Squats on Balance Pad
What it does: Builds leg endurance and ankle stability.
Description: Lower to a ¼ or ½ squat position and hold for set time period. Skiing exercise; squat with feet together, Snowboarders squat with feet shoulder width apart or more.

Three Way Leg Extensions
What it does: Builds quadriceps endurance and strength for snowboarding and skiing, as well as building strength around front of knee.
Description: After setting leg extension machine to proper settings for height and leg length, do a leg extension with knee pointing up toward ceiling for first set. For second set turn knee in, rotating from hip and repeating leg extension motion. For third set turn knee out; rotate from hip and repeat leg extension motion. Start with very light weight until you determine what your knee can handle. Never do excessive weight with this exercise it is meant to be done with lighter weight and higher repetitions.

Ball Leg Curl
What it does: Builds strength in hamstrings and glutes and increases control through core.
Description: Laying flat on back, put heels on middle of physioball. With hands spread on ground for support, lift hips off ground so body is in a straight line. Slowly pull feet into hips without letting hips move relative to the ground. Advanced: from same position on ball, pull feet in while pushing hips higher so that you keep your body in a straight line from knee to shoulder.

Single Foot Balance Pad
What it does: Builds ankle stability, strength, and endurance for skiers and snowboarders.
Description: Using Dyna-Disc, stand with left foot centered on disc. Lift right foot from ground and try to keep left foot level without letting the right foot touch the ground. Hold for set time.

*If you have any medical conditions that would restrict you from a regular exercise routine such as hip, knee, ankle, or back issues, or any other physically limiting condition or cardiovascular, pulmonary issues, you should consult your physician before participating in these workouts.

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