Strength Building Lessons Men Can Learn From Women

Head to any barre or yoga class and, good news, the women will likely outnumber men 24 to 1. Linger around the squat rack, though, and well -- not the same situation. Still, strength training is having a major moment, and women are in on all the barbell-toting, dumbbell-thrusting fun. With strong female role models like CrossFit champ Katrin Davidsdottir, called the Fittest Women on Earth, paving the way, more and more women are stepping up to the bench.

You may be used to getting dating advice from your best girl pal, so why not fitness advice? We tapped some of New York City’s hottest female trainers for their top strength training tips.

1. "Wake up your muscles up before you start to train." — Ally Love, Peloton Instructor and founder of Love Squad

“If you’re not foam rolling, you’re missing out. This dynamic warm up helps to increase range of motions, will allow you to go deep in your strength training movements to ensure more muscle development, and ultimately leads to greater results.

2. “You don’t need to be a hero. — Erin Bulvanoski, marketing director & coach at Brick New York

“Nailing your form with lighter weight before you add onto the bar is something that can be taken for granted. Guys feel the need to be the strongest in the room instead of the most efficient which over time, can lead to injury.

3. “Mobility is an essential step to strength training. — Traci Copeland, Nike Master Trainer

“An easy 15 minutes of dynamic stretching pre-workout, and static stretching post-workout, can be a total game-changer. Yoga can also be another great tool for mobility, but can also improve flexibility which is also be helpful.

4. “Light weights can be more effective than you think. — Kara Liotta, Nike trainer and creative director at FlyBarre

“Try holding a pair of 3-pound weights in each hand and holding your arms extended out to the sides of your body with small pulsing movements for 3 minutes. Quickly your muscles will begin to fatigue as the light weights help to improve your stamina and muscular endurance. This is a great alternative to maxing out on weight for just a few reps.

5. “Don’t fly through your warmup. — Lindsey Clayton, co-founder of Brave Body Project and trainer at Barry’s Bootcamp


A post shared by Lindsey (@lindseyclayton23) on Feb 7, 2017 at 3:22pm PST

“Take time to connect with your body, then add weight to your movements. You’ll see a huge difference in your results.

6. “Hold your head high. — Liz Adams, head coach at ICE NYC and CrossFit regionals athlete

Long hair don't care let it hang thing ? @lisahaefnerphoto

A post shared by Liz Adams (@lizadams21) on Feb 7, 2017 at 8:18am PST

“Have some swag before you go pick the bar up, and be confident. Think ‘easy day, I got this.’  If you don't, what's the point?

7. “Lift smart. — Bree Branker, master instructor and director of creative integration at IMAXShift, and certified trainer at Akin's Army

“What I've learned through my body's injuries and gains is that there's no rush to what is considered a heavy weight. We often equate heavier weight with more strength, but if you rush to get there, you can put yourself at risk of compromising form and building the correct muscles in the correct alignment to properly handle that heavy weight. A setback isn't worth it.

8. “Check your ego at the door. — Francesca Emmanuel, CrossFit regionals athlete and coach at Brick New York

Team Fleo Babes. 8 days!! ? ••• @fleoshorts @ericalivoti #teamfleobabes

A post shared by Francesca Emanuele (@francesca__e) on Jan 5, 2017 at 8:45am PST

“Like a horse with blinders, worry about your own path. Patience and diligence is the root to success.

9. “Think form first. — Amanda Butler, trainer at The Fhitting Room

“If you are new to strength training I recommend working with a trainer, even just a session or two, to learn the proper technique and form to execute exercises correctly. Proper form not only prevents injuries or imbalances, but helps you achieve your results faster. “

10. “Get out of the mirror muscles. — Rebecca Kennedy, founder of A.C.C.E.S.S., Nike master trainer, and trainer at Barry’s Bootcamp

“Yea, big biceps and a broad chest are cool, but a great ass and sexy back are kind of important too (just ask any woman). Try adding in a set of clams to your single leg deadlifts and make it a compound set to activate the glute medius, then watch your form excel. You'll probably be able to lift heavier too once your body starts working as a team.

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