Getting Staying Lean with Proper Hydration: How does Water help with Weight Loss?
When you start an exercise program, no matter what the reason, you are often given plenty of advice from friends, family, trainers, group fitness instructors and doctors. Out of these hundreds of suggestion all given with the intent to help out, one that commonly shows up is “make sure you are drinking enough water”. This is a great piece of advice and though it is usually in reference to needing more water when you exercise, there are many more reasons to drink water than for just pure hydration sake. There are so many residual benefits to being properly hydrated that many people tend to just pick one benefit and stick to that as their reason to drink water, however, we would be doing proper hydration an immense disservice by not talking about all of the benefits it has on the body - especially the effect water has on aiding weight loss. Many of the benefits that I am going to talk about below are ...