How To Increase Testosterone Naturally (Foods, Supplements and More)
Okay, it’s time to talk about testosterone . Testosterone is typically known as the “male hormone†even though both men and women produce it. Men just happen to produce so much more of it than women that we just decided to refer to it as the male hormone. How… sexist? Anyway… There’s a whole lot of boring stuff I could tell you about testosterone, but I’m going to skip all of it and go straight to the point(s) that the vast majority of people reading this will actually care about. And that is, testosterone is the hormone that plays the largest role in our libido and our ability to build muscle . When it comes to muscle growth, the higher a person’s testosterone levels are, the better/faster that muscle growth will take place. This, of course, explains why people with great genetics typically have naturally above-average testosterone levels, and why some people (e.g. bodybuilders) use various drugs ( steroids ) to unnaturally increase their...