
Showing posts from March, 2017

How To Take A Dick Pic

Dick pics have never been as popular as they are today. With relatively high-quality cameras at arm's reach of almost everyone these days, it's possible for people with penises to take explicit nudes and share them with recipients anywhere in the world, instantly. The wonders of modern technology! But not everyone is happy to be on the receiving end of a dick pic. Historically, dick pics haven't found favor with many women, a large portion of whom tend to find them hostile, annoying and sometimes downright disgusting. Traditionally functioning as little more than advertisements for the sender's size, women online suffer from an almost constant influx of dick pics from strangers, usually turning up in their inboxes, DMs and text messages without consent. Adding insult to injury is the fact that these NSFW surprises are almost always of dismal quality: poorly lit, blurry photographs taken at unflattering angles and containing no eroticism or intrigue whatsoever. Several y...

How Technology Changed Dating

Once upon a time, people met the love of their life at bars (and I don’t mean swiping on Tinder at bars). Back then, if things worked out, rather than rely on AI, you actually had to speak to another human to book a date night dinner reservation. You could live your entire life never seeing your ex’s wedding photos. But on the bright side, if you can only get off while dressed as a clown in a group sex setting, today, there’s an app for that. From fetish sites to your new girlfriend Alexa, here are seven ways that technology has changed dating forever. We’ve All Become Master Detectives Once upon a time, a person would enjoy an affair without much chance of discovery from their wife or husband. I’m not advocating cheating , I’m just saying, in the era in which Donald Trump is likely trying to bring America back to, it was easier to have a mistress (and whatever the male version of a mistress is -- I don’t think there is one, which is bullshit). If you did cheat, and told...

Understanding The Freckling Dating Trend

The poet Alfred Lord Tennyson famously said, “In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” Today's version might be a little more prosaic -- something along the lines of, when it gets warmer, f*ckboys are more likely to catcall -- but potato, pot-ah-to. The question of how the seasons affect our moods (particularly, our romantic moods) is one with a long history. For who hasn't heard of the infamous summer fling? And, in recent years, cuffing season -- when people use the fall to find someone to shack up with more seriously over the winter -- has gained a lot of traction. Which raises the question -- is there a spring/summer version of cuffing season? And if so, what might it look like? That's why AskMen is proposing the adoption of a new slang term into our collective dating lexicon -- freckling. For those of us lucky enough to have them, freckles and their fickle nature are a familiar subject. Your skin might be clear as day from...

Things Your Girlfriend Probably Doesnt Care About

While a lot of guys think getting a girlfriend will be the end of all their worries, entering a relationship brings its own special sorts of anxieties. You’re no longer necessarily focused on your appeal to women in general, but rather to this one particular woman who you care for very, very much, and who has the freedom to leave you at any time, for any reason. Phew! RELATED: What Women Really Find Sexy - Revealed  Every man has his own unique relationship anxieties, but certain themes tend to occur, usually around body image, financial security and masculinity. The good news is, on the whole, women are far less hung up on these things than you imagine them to be, and your girlfriend almost certainly isn’t as critical as you think she is. So, here are 10 things you probably think your girlfriend cares about, that she really doesn’t: 1. Your rock-hard abs (or lack thereof) Body image issues are tough, and while women’s struggles in this area are well publicized, men are not im...

Is I Dont Want A Gift Just A Trap?

The Dating Nerd is a shadowy figure whose whereabouts and identifying details remain unknown. What we do know is that he is really, really good at dating. He's been on more dates than you can shake a lengthy bar tab at, and he's here to help the average guy step his dating game up a notch -- or several. The Question Hi Dating Nerd, Me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost a year, and I’m wondering if I should do something fancy for our anniversary. I’m on the fence. She’s a pretty casual girl. We weren’t dating exclusively for the first six months we were together. And when I asked her at one point whether she cares a lot about anniversaries and Valentine’s Day and stuff like that, she said she didn’t care about it that much. On the other hand, my best friend says I’m an idiot and that I should do something to mark the occasion. What do you think? -  Doubtful Dave The Answer Hi Dave, Yes, I think your girlfriend would like you to do nice things for your ...

How To Tell If A Guy Likes You

One of the hardest parts of dating is getting things off the ground. Maybe you’ve met a guy, and things have become a little flirtatious: you send each other DMs of the latest memes, and when you see each other at parties the conversation is flowing and easy. Maybe you’ve even hung out one-on-one, but you’re hesitant to label it as a “date. RELATED: What Straight Guys Could Learn From How Gay Guys Date You’re starting to catch feelings, but before you go any further, you want to know if what you’re feeling is mutual. Everyone has to face rejection now and again, but you can save yourself some heartbreak by assessing the situation for signs that he’s really into you before you make a big move. If you’re feeling unsure about where you stand with a new romantic potential, here are just a few of the ways you can tell if a guy really likes you. 1. He Takes An Interest In Your Interests Before you fall head over heels it’s worth asking yourself: does this guy know what my ...

How To Disagree With Your Partner In Tense Times

Every relationship is going to have moments of disagreement: Conflict is natural, but we aren’t necessarily taught how to handle it! One moment, you’re arguing with your partner about the price of an upcoming trip, and the next you’re embroiled in a fight so massive it could sink the relationship. How do you navigate an argument without getting into a screaming match or saying things you both regret later? Here, we have some handy tips on how to get out of an argument with your grace intact. 1. Ask Whether The Issue Really Merits Getting Angry Almost no issue is worth making a huge scene about. Most of the time, arguments happen because one person’s pride is in the way. Yes, it’s hard in the moment to stay calm, but look at it this way: An argument is an investment of time and care. It doesn’t make sense to devote two hours to arguing about whose home city has the better pizza! RELATED: Step-By-Step Instructions For How To Handle A Relationship Argument  Before you make a ...

What To Do When She Doesnt Like Your Friends

In an ideal world, our partner would love all our friends. Wouldn't it be great if the people in our lives never clashed, and all of you could get brunch on Sundays? Unfortunately, it often happens that your girlfriend doesn't take a shine to your guy friends. This can be the cause of many an ugly fight, and you don't want to make things worse by saying the wrong thing! RELATED: Her Best Friend Is A Guy Here's our handy guide on how to navigate that most tricky of situations: when your loved ones don't like each other. No knee-jerk reactions, or telling her she's wrong for not liking them. You: So, what did you think of Mark and Liam? Her: Umm...I didn't really like them, sorry. You: What? Are you serious? I wasn't expecting this.. It's so obvious that Mark is a great guy, how could you not see that? This is a classic case of what NOT to say. It's probably not easy for your girlfriend to admit that she doesn't like your friends! She WANTS to...

How To Support A Partner With Depression

Not everyone instinctively knows how to handle someone else's depression. Depression is a liar; there is no lie it won't tell. It contributes to feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and overwhelming sadness. It takes the joy out of life and makes everything feel like a chore. Depression may look different from person to person, but it has all of these things in common, as well as a reluctance on the part of sufferers to not burden their partners with their sorrow. People with depression tend to feel the burden of loneliness as they struggle to cope with a disease that drains them of their very will to live. It's hard to support a partner suffering with depression -- but it's not impossible. Depression is a chronic physical illness with invisible symptoms, and it's an incredibly serious one. It's not possible for someone who has never experienced it to understand how truly painful it is, but you will learn to look for the signs. When someone is depressed, they withd...

How To Reassure Your Girlfriend About Being Friends With Your Ex

So, you’re still friends with your ex. Great! Congratulations on being the type of mature adult who can pull that off. Just know that it’s likely to threaten all future relationships you get into. Dating a man who is still close with his ex is high on every girl’s list of nightmares. RELATED: How To Approach Her Now That She's Your Ex If your girlfriend is stressing about the fact that you still have your ex on speed dial, don’t panic. It’s perfectly natural, and there are some simple ways you can relieve her anxiety! Below, we provide you with some tips on what to do (and what you should never do) to ensure all parties feel comfortable. It might take a little extra work, but it’s necessary to keep both relationships healthy and happy. 1. Don’t Get Mad If She Admits To Feeling Jealous Her: I don’t understand why you have to hang out with Sarah all the time. It’s not normal to be that close to your ex. You: Why? Maybe it’s not normal for you, but it sure is for ...

The Art Of Flirting Without Negging

One of the most exciting parts of dating is flirting with people . When done right, flirting can feel like a boost of espresso that gets you through the day: it's playful, sexy, and fun. But as everyone who's ever flirted knows, it's easy to miss the mark. That flirtatious text conversation can end in a chilly 'Goodnight' because you said something off-putting! How can you avoid that? Let's break down the art of flirting and how to tease a girl without being mean or accidentally negging her . 1. Don't Tease Her About Things That Are Important To Her In general, you should steer clear of heavy topics, like politics or her religious beliefs. Obviously, it's important to get to know a potential partner's principles, but these are absolutely not up for teasing. Trying to be playful about what's most important to her can backfire spectacularly: You: WYD? Her: Just got done meditating :) How about you? You: Oh, lol. Are you into all that pseudo-spiritu...

First Date Follow-Ups

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on when — and how — to follow up after a promising first date . You want to air on the side of forward (but not too aggressive) and you don’t want to come on too strong. But then again, you don’t want her to think you’re too into her, too fast. So before you start counting the minutes in between text messages or obsessing on what to say to the beautiful woman you just went out with, take a breath, relax and repeat after us: Most of those rules are bullshit. Founder of The Professional Wingman, Thomas Edwards, says the key is to let her know you’re interested. It’s that simple. But if you need some more tips — because hell, who doesn’t in today’s modern dating world? — here are some tips straight from the expert: 1. Don’t Think Being Nice = Desperation Ask yourself this: did you like going out with her? Did you really enjoy that goodnight kiss? Do you want to see her, physically, in person again, instead of spending coun...

How To Use Social Media Like A Gentleman

Maybe she posted a nice photo. Maybe she posted a sexy photo. Maybe she wrote a particularly compelling Facebook post, or tweeted something that piqued your interest, like a screenshot of a lesser-known indie movie that you loved as a teen. Maybe she didn't even post anything at all. Nevertheless, you feel compelled to interact with her online. Most guys, unfortunately, don't know how to do this properly, and so: They bung it up. Luckily, I'm here to give you a step-by-step guide to social media-ing at women properly. These are lessons learned through years of being online, interacting with women, and learning from my mistakes: 1. Consider Whether This Woman Has Ever Interacted With You Before Past interaction isn't a perfect proxy for desire to engage in future interaction (an important note for men to remember about women in a lot of different ways!) but it can be a good start when it comes to knowing whether a woman will actually appreciate your notification. Do you...

Signs Shes The One For You

It's a common predicament: you've been in a relationship a little while and things are going well, but you're not 100% sure whether the two of you are destined to be together forever. Given that there are billions of other women in the world, how do you know that this is the one you want to lock things down with for good? It's really difficult to know for certain whether your relationship will last the distance, so we've helped you by compiling eight of the best signs that she's the one. Read on to see if your relationship has what it takes: 1. You Introduce Her To Everyone There comes a certain point in a relationship where you need to decide whether you'll introduce your girlfriend to your friends and family. A certain level of intermingling of your worlds is inevitable even in fairly casual relationships -- it's not a huge deal for a partner you're not certain about to have met some of your friends, for example -- but meeting family, and in partic...